Equine Serum Albumin
2879 €
100 gram
Azide Free Serum for cell culture FBS fetal bovine serum. Filtered serum for sterility. The polyclonal serum contains no red or white blood cells or clotting factors; it is the blood plasma not including the fibrinogens. Serum includes all proteins and antibodies not used in blood clotting (coagulation) and all the electrolytes, antibodies, antigens, hormones, and any exogenous substances like drugs and microorganisms. Plasmas on request.
Store lyophilized at 4 deg C. Store reconstituted material at -20°C in aliquot volumes of your choice. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing.
Provided as lyophilized serum as a tan colored powder.
USA origin - Healthy horse bood
Serum should be stored at +5°C
Serum, Plasma & Blood
Grater than 96% pure
Heat shock method
Animal Serum
Blue Ice