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Below we present full list of all available products in this category.
1,2,4-Triazole Sodium Salt Technical Grade
1,2,4-Triazole Sodium Salt Technical Grade
1,4-Dioxane GC Grade 99.9%
1,4-Dioxane GC Grade 99.9%
1,4-Dioxane Scintillation Grade
1,4-Dioxane Scintillation Grade
1-Propanol GC Grade (n-Propyl Alcohol)
2-Propanol EL grade (ISO-Propyl Alcohol)
2-Propanol GC Grade
5,12-Naphthcenequinone (Electronic Grade)
5,12-Naphthcenequinone (Electronic Grade)
50/50 Methanol / Water for HPLC Grade
Acetic Acid EL Grade
Acetic Acid EL Grade
Acetone EL Grade
Acetone GC Grade
Acetone GC Grade
Acetonitrile for Gradient Grade
Acetonitrile for Gradient Grade
Acetonitrile GC Grade
Acriflavin Hydrochloride Fluoroscence Grade
Agarose Low EEO Regular grade
Agarose Low EEO Regular grade
Agarose Low EEO Regular grade
Agarose Low EEO Regular grade
Agarose Low EEO Regular grade
Agarose Low EEO Superior grade type II for molecular biology
Agarose Low EEO Superior grade type II for molecular biology
Agarose Low EEO Superior grade type II for molecular biology
Agarose Low EEO Superior grade type II for molecular biology
Agarose Low EEO Superior grade type II for molecular biology
Aluminium Oxide Acidic (Brockmann Grade I, II) (pH value 3.5 - 4.5)
Aluminium Oxide Acidic (Brockmann Grade I, II) (pH value 3.5 - 4.5)
Aluminium Oxide Acidic (Brockmann Grade I, II) (pH value 3.5 - 4.5)
Aluminium Oxide Basic (Brockmann Grade I, II) (pH value 9.5 ± 0.5)
Aluminium Oxide Basic (Brockmann Grade I, II) (pH value 9.5 ± 0.5)
Aluminium Oxide Basic (Brockmann Grade I, II) (pH value 9.5 ± 0.5)
Aluminium Oxide Neutral (Brockmann Grade I, II) (pH value 6.5 - 7.5)
Aluminium Oxide Neutral (Brockmann Grade I, II) (pH value 6.5 - 7.5)
Aluminium Oxide Neutral (Brockmann Grade I, II) (pH value 6.5 - 7.5)
Amberlyst® 15 DRY H Form (Industrial grade stronglyacidic catalyst)
Amberlyst® 15 DRY H Form (Industrial grade stronglyacidic catalyst)
Ammonium Adipate EL Grade
Ammonium Sulphate enzyme grade low Heavy Metals Content
Ammonium Sulphate enzyme grade low Heavy Metals Content
Anthracene for Scintillation grade
Anthracene for Scintillation grade
Barium Carbonate Practical Grade
Barium Carbonate Practical Grade
Barium Carbonate Practical Grade
Barium Nitrate EL Grade
Benzene EL Grade
Benzene Scintillation Grade
Benzene Scintillation Grade
Benzyl Alcohol GC Grade
Bromo Cresol Green Cerified Grade AR (pH 3.8-5.4) HISURE
Bromoform Special Grade ACS
Carbinol for HPLC Gradient Grade
Carbinol for HPLC Gradient Grade
Carbinol for HPLC Gradient Grade
Caseinn Enzme Hydrolysate (MB grade)
Ceralite IR 120 Standard grade Particle size 20-50 mesh Na Form (Strongly Cationic Resin)
Ceralite IRA 400 Standard grade Particle size 20-50 mesh Cl Form (Strongly Basic Anion Exchangers)
Ceralite IRA 410 Standard grade Particle size 20-50 mesh Cl Form (Strongly Basic Anion Exchangers)
Ceralite IRC 50 Standard grade Particle size 20-50 mesh (Weakly cationic resin)
Charcoal Activated AR Certified grade (Acid Washed)
Charcoal Activated AR Certified grade (Acid Washed)
Charcoal Activated AR Certified grade (Acid Washed)
Charcoal Activated Decolorizing Powder Acid Wash Pharmagrade MB Value Min. 180
Charcoal Activated Decolorizing Powder Acid Wash Pharmagrade MB Value Min. 180
Charcoal Activated Decolorizing Powder Acid Wash Pharmagrade MB Value Min. 180
Charcoal Activated Pharma Grade (Acid Washed ) Confirming to USP
Charcoal Activated Pharma Grade (Acid Washed ) Confirming to USP
Charcoal Activated Pharma Grade (Acid Washed ) Confirming to USP
Chloroform GC Grade
Cocktail 'O' Scintillation Grade Contents per litre 6gm PPO and 0.2gm POPOP
Cocktail 'O' Scintillation Grade Contents per litre 6gm PPO and 0.2gm POPOP
Cocktail 'T' Scintillation Grade Contents per litre 5gm PPO and 0.15gm POPOP in toluene
Cocktail 'T' Scintillation Grade Contents per litre 5gm PPO and 0.15gm POPOP in toluene
Cocktail 'W' Scintillation Grade Contents per litre 10 gm PPO, 0.25gm POPOP and 100 gm Naphthalene in 1,4-dioxan
Cocktail 'W' Scintillation Grade Contents per litre 10 gm PPO, 0.25gm POPOP and 100 gm Naphthalene in 1,4-dioxan
Criton X100 Scintillation Grade
Criton X100 Scintillation Grade
Cween 20 HISURE (Confirms to Pharma Grade)
Cyclohexane GC Grade
D(+) Maltose, Monohydrate, Extra pure NCR grade, for vaccine production
D(+) Maltose, Monohydrate, Extra pure NCR grade, for vaccine production
D(+) Maltose, Monohydrate, Extra Pure(NRC grade, for vaccine Production)
D(+) Maltose, Monohydrate, Extra Pure(NRC grade, for vaccine Production)
D-Sorbitol Molecular Biology Grade
D-Sorbitol Molecular Biology Grade
D-Sorbitol Molecular Biology Grade
Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid for Biochemistry Degraded free acid ex fish sperm
Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid for Biochemistry Degraded free acid ex fish sperm
Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid for Biochemistry Degraded free acid ex fish sperm
Dichloromethane GC Grade
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