Bromocresol purple *CAS 115-40-2* *Ultrapure grade*
445 €
25 g
The CAS or CASRN registry number for chemical substances and identifying chemicals by the Chemical Abstract Service is a worldwide used identification of chemicals. This chemical can be supplied in purities of 98% or 95% purity by aat. Bulk in kg or liter volumes on request.
To order Bromocresol purple *CAS 115-40-2* *Ultrapure grade*, please use the Cat. Nr.92 and submit your purchase order by email or by fax. A discount is available for larger or bulk quantities, please contact us for more information
Our specialists recommend you to follow carefully the pre-registered instructions for Bromocresol purple *CAS 115-40-2* *Ultrapure grade*
Bromocresol purple *CAS 115-40-2* *Ultrapure grade* is a dye and a pH indicator. It is used in the determination of serum-albumin.
Use appropriate protective equipment and methods to clean up spilled substances promptly.
5,5'-Dibromo-o-cresolsulfonphthalein; Bromcresol purple sultone form
Laboratory chemicals *For Research Use Only*
Soluble in: Water
Room Temperature
24 months